Baby's creativity
Talk about kids

12 June 2024

Baby's creativity

Baby's creativity

What can we say about creativity?

Being creative gives us the chance to create an imagination, to build something that could be good for the future, that we are passionate about and that makes us capable of being whoever we want to be. All we have to do is close our eyes and draw on our creativity and imagination for what we most want to happen. We can guarantee that this creativity comes very much from our childhood stimulation.

Nowadays, if you think about it, creativity is something that is very present in our daily lives and is increasingly developed and valued. We know that great ideas come from great processes of creativity. If we go back in time, many companies, brands and services that we use are the result of human creativity. Whether it's the development of a small process or the creation of a new collection for a particular season.

In our case, Wedoble is a brand that is in a constant process of creativity. Thinking about a certain theme, creating new models, creating new patterns and bringing them to light - it's all part of a creative process. Each collection that passes gives us the chance to develop our creativity, and that's extremely satisfying.

Well, if we think about what goes on in a child's head, a simple text won't be enough to describe and point out everything that children can imagine. We can point out that their creativity, at their age, is usually imaginary scenarios, where the main characters are creatures, where things happen that are impossible to happen in the real world or perhaps exist, but we (the grown-ups) don't see them. Well, we realise that there are no limits to your creativity here. And what a treat that is!

At an older age, when we look at children playing and living that moment in a genuine way, completely devoid of any responsibility and discovering the world - it's the best age to explore our creativity. So we can see that developing children's creativity is something fundamental and something that should be taken care of, because it can improve their skills and increase their knowledge.

A lot of their creativity can be boosted and developed by the activities they do on a daily basis. Studies show that this is a reality, especially if we're talking about activities in the arts. The ability to write, read or to do more complex mathematical operations are some of the results that can come from doing these activities. Learning new languages and practising sports are also ideal at this age. There is a strong disposition on the part of the children and they have an easier time learning. Is this because they are little human beings full of creativity? We don't know for sure, but we believe it could be a possibility and it makes perfect sense.

It's interesting to think about when children meet the real world. What usually happens is that the child's creativity diminishes because there is a limitation imposed on the development of their innate abilities. When they reach adulthood, most of these abilities remain undeveloped. It is therefore extremely important to encourage your baby's and child's creativity through activities that can constantly stimulate their brain.

It's an absolute asset for your baby, who will begin to feel more at ease and able to discover the new world that awaits them and, as a result, have new experiences that can be a great influence on their abilities.

It's fascinating how the brain works and, above all, how a child's creativity can be so important for their development. So let's let our children's creativity flow and see what the next adventure they've imagined will be and, while we're at it, find out if we're part of it.

What about you? How far have your children's creativity gone? We want to know your opinion and experience about this world of creativity.

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