Changes in the fashion industry
Our brand, our projects

15 May 2024

Changes in the fashion industry

Changes in the fashion industry

The fashion industry is always open to change. Some say it's full of so-called trends that come and go. We agree. However, trends are mixed with innovation. Yes, development and changes for an industry that is updated and able to respond to the needs and environment in which it operates.

When we think about the changes that have taken place in the fashion industry, we can see that, since 2020, new ways of looking at this sector and how it might look in the future have emerged. With this, new concepts have been associated that have determined the way we create, produce and look at things.

One concept that we thought was crucial and that stood out in our reading of some articles was the concept of simplifying. Making it simple is the new trend. Making the way we see the collections we create simple. Making the layout and the way collections are presented simple. Fashion is simplified in its style and in the way it delivers to the people who wear its clothes.

What would be normal to create between six and eight collections a year, today the trend is to make two collections a year - spring/summer and autumn/winter. This simplified approach gives the main role to the consumer, in the sense that the collection presents pieces when people actually buy them.

This way of thinking also leads us to the fact that we can make fashion economical - there are no campaigns every six weeks, garments don't have an ephemeral appearance and there is a reduction in waste and in the quantities of clothes produced. Here we are again, the changes felt in the fashion industry, such as the emphasis on this concept of simplifying, don't just arise from the desire to change and because it's just a trend. We believe that these changes are generated by a set of conditioning factors that lead the fashion industry to rethink its way of being, adapting to what is current and what makes sense to put into practice. These characteristics allow it to evolve and develop, as well as influencing its impact externally - we have the example of sustainability and the progress made by several brands.

This mindset is expected to continue. Brands are putting more thought into the way they work and present their clothes. Consumers are key to understanding whether we are doing our job well and how it is being received. People are increasingly aware of their own disposition, the different opinions they have about a product, how direct and honest they can be in their assessment of a garment and how this influences a brand's performance. This feedback is passed on to the clothes. They are designed and created with their main objective in mind - to provide an innovative experience for the people who wear them.

From there, the concept of making it simpler, a thought that comes from the outside - people presenting their desire for brands to be more considerate about not overdoing the number of pieces in what can be a confusing number of collections; or just our planet, which is grateful and needs our help, and we'll be careful in the way we create our collections and simplify the number of pieces and collections. It's all connected.

We at Wedoble can see ourselves in this concept, which is becoming a standard throughout the fashion industry. As a children's clothing brand, simplification is intrinsic. The brand has set out to create two collections a year - spring/summer and autumn/winter. In addition to all the technical and production components that we take into consideration, one of our main focuses is really to present our customers with clothes designed to have great durability, quality and diversity in the way we put them on. Comfort is key in the clothes we produce.

Until now, we hadn't thought of bringing out collections between the two big ones we create every season. However, creating capsule collections has become something innovative at Wedoble. This idea arises from the fact that we want to give something that is special and with a limited quantity, always being associated with the current season's collection. A clear example was our capsule collection that we launched in the autumn/winter 2023 collection, which stood out for its use of sustainable material, a particular yarn, its limited quantity and a colour that could be combined with all the other pieces in the collection. Being a capsule was our way of making something new simple.

Making it simple is making it clear what we're going to present to people. As people who work for a brand and are also consumers of other brands, we often put ourselves in the shoes of the consumer and what might be most interesting and also beneficial for the environment. This management of these indicators is essential.

We believe that this concept is here to stay and we couldn't agree more. We therefore believe that Wedoble has been simplifying and that it is one step closer to the changes that have taken place in the world of fashion. We think about babies, parents and the environment, because we are Wedoble, we care.

What about you? Did you know about this concept in the fashion world? Do you have any other changes you'd like to highlight in the industry? We want to know your opinion


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