Time to go to the pool
Talk about kids

10 July 2024

Time to go to the pool

Time to go to the pool

Today we thought we'd talk about a baby's relationship with water. We often see some of our little ones so happy in the water, others not so much. It's funny to see their reaction to touch, the first time they get wet and the simple movement of "splashing", which makes them laugh.

So we went to find out more about this relationship, some precautions we should take and what kind of practices we can apply to put our little ones confortable so that they enjoy contact with water from the very beginning.

The first experience your little one has in a swimming pool, for example - at the very least it will be interesting to see how they react. Many times, their first contact with water is important, so it can be a very fun experience. As well as being a good time, it will be beneficial for their mobility, which will favour their first moments of physical activity.

We have to admit that we, as parents, are looking forward to seeing them take this step. On the other hand, it's something that can leave us on the back foot, because we don't know what their reaction will be. Mums and dads, it's natural, but don't worry, everything will be fine.

The possibility of being able to practice their mobility and physical activity is something that makes us take this step, as parents we want our little ones to be healthy and these water moments will be great to put into action.

It's something you can do without a problem, you just need to be aware of a few tips which, in turn, can be decisive in your baby's first and following experiences in the pool. In addition, care must be taken because the smallest babies are not yet fully developed. So here are some tips we've found that we think are essential:

  • It's recommended not to go into the pool with your baby in your arms - the ideal is to submerge them slowly so that they can slowly get comfortable and lose their fear;
  • Before getting into the pool, make sure that all your baby's needs are fulfilled - it is best if they are not sleepy or hungry so that they are as receptive as possible;
  • For this new experience for the baby, it is advisable to bring toys that they can put in the water and the little one can play with - this will be an important factor for the child to feel relaxed and as comfortable as possible;
  • When it's time to get out of the water, we should cover the baby as quickly as possible with a towel and use a change of clothes, always in a space where the temperature and environment are good to avoid colds;
  • The use of a swimsuit or shorts is ideal for this new experience for the little one, which should be comfortable and practical - we give the example of our swimwear line which has models for boys and girls - (links to the swimwear line).

Well, these are some of the many tips that we've researched and that we can point out when we go to the pool with our baby. The main goal is for the baby to have fun and for it to be a beneficial experience for their development, and for the parents to be able to enjoy this experience too, which can become a very positive activity that the baby will surely want to repeat.

On our part, Wedoble contributes to a good experience both in the pool and on the beach with our swimwear line, which is now available. Besides, our little ones need the outfit that matches their swimsuit, and we can help with that. The connection we've made between our collection and the swimwear line makes it easier to choose the outfit for the beach or pool. So here are some suggestions, but you can also look on our website for the different patterns on the swimsuits and the different pieces we've created for this collection — https://www.wedoble.com/en/spring-summer-24/swimwear_411-329.html

What about you? How was your first experience with your son or daughter in the pool? What was their reaction? We want to know your opinion

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