Trade fairs with Wedoble
Our brand, our projects

24 July 2024

Trade fairs with Wedoble

Trade fairs with Wedoble

We've reached the two months that mean just one thing - international fairs.

That time of year when we present the new spring/summer 2025 collection. The months of June and July will be dedicated to presenting the collection created for next year's spring/summer season.

So, of course, we started with the fair in Italy - Pitti Bimbo - which took place on 19, 20 and 21 June in the beautiful city of Florence.

Yet another edition of this fair, which we consider to be an essential stop, to contact and meet up with people we know, present the new collection to potential new clients and, above all, have the opportunity to establish and exchange ideas about the collection and future projects we are planning. These are undoubtedly very intense days, but they are worth it for the ideas we bring back and can put into practice in the next collections and in the general context of the brand.

To get a better idea of how these days went, we always ask our Brand Manager to tell us how it went, what the expectations are for this edition and to explain a little about the collection we've brought to this season of international fairs.

It was another very dynamic edition of the fair, with the possibility of creating new contacts. As this is the first time we've exhibited the new collection, we've also had the opportunity to get the first reactions from various customers and new people. As a result, we noted different opinions, some details about certain pieces and generally positive feedback.

For this collection, we've come up with fresh and very typical patterns for the spring/summer season. From strong colours such as lilac and aqua green, to more neutral and soft tones such as dry green and soft yellow. In addition, we have an unmistakable pattern that is very much present in our collection: lemons, which bring a fresh, citrus flavour that is very much associated with the hot days of the season. In addition, we've continued with some of our basics and added other items that would make perfect sense to include. We've kept our swimwear line, with a few new additions to the mix.

Over the course of the fair, we realised that we needed to make some adjustments to the collection, such as adding new colour options for certain pieces, as well as the need to add one or another item that we felt was essential to be present. These small details are important and are due to the fact that, from the beginning, we also want to understand the various opinions that come from the collection, so that we can also be aware of what might be more appropriate to guarantee in our collection, as well as guaranteeing a variety of items that make sense to have.

Year after year, we feel that it's always a dynamic fair, with several familiar faces visiting and new visitors who we're happy to welcome and present the collection and what's new to come.

We've just started our second season of fairs in Italy and it's always a pleasure to return to this fair. The memories are many and we've brought back lots of ideas that we're looking forward to putting into practice. These are worthwhile moments, we've made contact with many people who have shown an interest and we've ensured continuity with those we're already so happy to work with.

We left Florence with our hearts full, but we still had one more stop to make. The next stop is France, with Play Time in Paris. We'll be back to tell you how it went.

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